
Electronic Software Distribution


Actian Ingres & Actian Vector Drivers Spark

A Spark-based data ingestion utility for Vector and VectorH as well as a library to integrate Vector with Spark. The Spark Connector acts as a Spark Data Source and allows you to write Spark DataFrames into a Vector table in parallel and to load (part of a) Vector table into a DataFrame for further processing in Spark(SQL). This connector works with both Vector and VectorH.

A Spark-based data ingestion utility for Vector and VectorH as well as a library to integrate Vector with Spark. The Spark Connector acts as a Spark Data Source and allows you to write Spark DataFrames into a Vector table in parallel and to load (part of a) Vector table into a DataFrame for further processing in Spark(SQL). This connector works for Vector and VectorH versions 5.0 and above.
Stand alone loader which can be used to load data into Vector or VectorH without the need of using Spark Shell.

This release is subject to your signed software license agreement from Actian or (if none) the license included with the product.

spark_vector_loader-assembly-3.0-20.tgz (7 MB)
MD5/SHA256: 93c89566fedfdf95f4d1c123f4e4b3b9

Spark jar file which can be loaded additional into Spark Shell or other programs which includes the library needed to interact with Vector and VectorH.

This release is subject to your signed software license agreement from Actian or (if none) the license included with the product.

spark-vector-assembly-3.0-20.tgz (6 MB)
MD5/SHA256: 7b3049f72260df44b4d9b39558022be9

This spark jar file contains everything needed to install or upgrade Spark in Vector and VectorH.

This release is subject to your signed software license agreement from Actian or (if none) the license included with the product.

spark_vector_provider-assembly-3.0-20.tgz (12 MB)
MD5/SHA256: 161bcbdd66b20141f22df994f1d4bdca

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