Actian Zen (PSQL) v16 Production
Actian Zen v16 production release.
Actian Zen v16 Downloads for Enterprise Server, Workgroup Engine, and Clients.
Readme for Zen v16.
readme_zen.htm (151 KB)
Readme for Zen v16 Patch Update 2.
Zenv16_patch_readme.htm (114 KB)
Zen v16 What's New manual.
Whats_New.pdf (384 KB)
Zen Enterprise Server v16 Update 2 for Linux x86 64-bit.
Zen-EnterpriseServer-linux-x86_64- (112 MB)
Zen Client v16 Update 2 for Linux x86 64-bit.
Zen-Client-linux-x86_64- (102 MB)
Zen Cloud Server v16 Update 2 for Linux x86 64-bit.
Zen-CloudServer-linux-x86_64- (112 MB)
Zen Client Access v16 Update 2 for Linux x86 32-bit.
Zen-Client-Access-linux-x86_64- (12 MB)
Zen Enterprise Server Minimal Install v16 Update 2 64-bit.
Zen-EnterpriseServer-Minimal-linux-x86_64- (27 MB)
Zen Client Minimal Install v16 Update 2 for Linux x86 64-bit.
Zen-Client-Minimal-linux-x86_64- (17 MB)
Zen v16 History Log of what's been fixed.
Zen_v16_History.pdf (93 KB)
Zen v16 Known Issues Log at the time of release.
Known_Issues_Zen_16.pdf (100 KB)