Actian DataFlow 8.2.0
The DataFlow technology contains "Cluster Manager" and DataFlow engine to run Knime workflows on clusters with or without Hadoop and/or run equivalent workflows written in Java or RushScript.
Windows download which bundles KNIME 4.4.0 and DataFlow 8.2.0-176.
This release is subject to your signed software license agreement from Actian or (if none) the license included with the product.
This release is subject to your signed software license agreement from Actian or (if none) the license included with the product. (864 MB)
If Knime 4.4 is already installed you can download DataFlow 8.2.0-176 site repository zip and install via Knime's site repository installation mechanism.
If you have a pre 8.0.0 install you will need to ensure you are using Knime 4.4 or higher.
This release is subject to your signed software license agreement from Actian or (if none) the license included with the product.
If you have a pre 8.0.0 install you will need to ensure you are using Knime 4.4 or higher.
This release is subject to your signed software license agreement from Actian or (if none) the license included with the product. (194 MB)
This zip contains DataFlow technology which allows your workflows to be run on a cluster of windows machines and/or run equivalent workflows written in Java or RushScript.
This release is subject to your signed software license agreement from Actian or (if none) the license included with the product.
This release is subject to your signed software license agreement from Actian or (if none) the license included with the product. (217 MB)
Related Links:
Copy site link address above to add to Knime's available software sites and then install.