
Electronic Software Distribution


Actian Data Platform Client Runtime

The Actian Client package is required for connecting ODBC and JDBC applications to Actian Data Platform. This package includes the following key components:

     • ODBC Driver
     • JDBC Driver
     • SQL Command Line Interface (CLI)

Client access for all the server types: Actian Data Platform, Actian Vector, Actian Ingres, Actian X, and Actian Enterprise Access servers.

The script of the Actian Client rpm or deb package requires root to perform the installation. A non-root user cannot install the rpm or deb package on linux-based systems. In order to perform a non-root installation on rpm-based or deb-based systems, the INGBUILD distribution must be used.

The Linux 64-bit Actian Client is packaged with an installer (ingbuild) which allows for non-root installs.

Actian Data Platform Client | Release | Actian Data Platform

Actian Administration Tools Actian Director 2.1

Actian Director 2.1 | Release | Actian Administration Tools

Actian Ingres & Actian Vector Drivers Client Runtime

The Actian Client Runtime package simplifies deployment of client-only installations for running ODBC and JDBC applications across an enterprise where there are typically a large number of clients and few servers. The package is smaller than a full server installation and is simpler to install as only relevant client-side configuration options are exposed.

It contains the following key components:

Ingres Net
ODBC Driver
JDBC Driver
Data Access Server
remote vwload (for Actian Vector in Hadoop and Actian Vector, use the 64bit Version)

Separate downloads are provided that simplify the configuration even further as each is defaulted for a particular server type, though a single installation is sufficient to access all the server types: Actian Avalanche, Actian Vector in Hadoop, Actian Vector, Ingres, Actian X, and Enterprise Access servers.

Client Runtime | Release | Actian Ingres & Actian Vector Drivers

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